If you and your spouse agree that it is time to get a divorce, but you cannot agree on its terms, you may be heading down a long, dark road. The litigation process tends to bring out the worst in some, not to mention its outcome is rarely ideal for either party involved. If you are seeking a divorce and wish to explore your options outside the litigation process, you should read on and learn more. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What is litigation?
When you and your spouse enter the litigation process, you both will have no idea what to expect, outside of the fact that the process very often takes many twists and turns. Both you and your spouse will state your case in a courtroom setting, and a judge or jury will come to a decision on the terms of your divorce. Unfortunately, this is almost never a one-day affair, and there is a good chance you will have to make multiple appearances in court. As a result, you will donate a large amount of your time (and money) to attorneys and court fees alone–and that’s before the terms of your divorce are even decided. Generally, no matter how much time and money you put into the process, both you and your spouse will still be unsatisfied with the outcome. To top it all off, the litigation process can be emotionally draining for you, your spouse, and your children. If the litigation process seems like a hostile environment that you wish to avoid, consider hiring a divorce mediator.
How can a divorce mediator help?
Essentially, the job of a divorce mediator is to sit down with you and your spouse as a neutral third party outside of the courtroom setting. A divorce mediator will then listen to both you and your spouse’s cases and will facilitate productive, civilized conservation from there, regarding the terms of your divorce. If all goes as planned, you and your spouse will have reached a fair compromise by the end of your session, on your own terms. Not only will this save you time and money, but it will also help diffuse the emotional tension that very often accompanies the litigation process. Additionally, if you are able to peacefully come to terms with your spouse, it will make the divorce process that much easier on your children, and you will help teach them the importance of communication, even when you sharply disagree with another person.
Contact our New York firm
The Law Office of Peter L. Jameson, PLLC is an experienced divorce and family law firm located in New City, NY. It is essential to retain effective legal guidance during such pivotal times in life. Contact our firm today to discuss your legal matter and get the quality legal representation you deserve.