figures of man and woman standing on table near gavel

Rockland County Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is complicated, and this is often true even when the spouses can agree on the terms of their divorce, which is why if you are in an uncontested divorce, you should strongly consider speaking with a knowledgeable Rockland County uncontested divorce lawyer who can effectively guide you through the legal process ahead. Contact the Law Office of Peter L. Jameson, PLLC today to learn more about how we can help.

Do I Need to Hire an Uncontested Divorce Lawyer?

Oftentimes, spouses who are capable of agreeing on the terms of their divorce will wonder if they truly need to hire an attorney to represent them. While you may wish to do it on your own, the truth is, hiring a knowledgeable Rockland County divorce attorney can go a very long way. Divorce is a document-heavy process, and it is always best to have a competent Rockland County divorce & separation attorney present who knows the ins and outs of the law and who can ensure that all of these documents are completed and filed properly.

Common Divorce-Related Issues

For a couple to complete an uncontested divorce, they must first set the terms of their marital agreement. This means that they will have to agree on all terms of their divorce, including the following:

  • Child Custody: Child custody is perhaps the most important family law issue for divorcing parents. If you cannot agree on a child custody agreement that works in the best interests of your child on your own, this will most likely be decided by a judge.
  • Child Support: When parents get divorced, oftentimes, the non-custodial parent will have to make regular child support payments to ensure the child’s basic needs are taken care of.
  • Alimony: When a financially dependent spouse gets divorced, they will often seek alimony payments for a certain period of time to help them on their way to eventually becoming financially independent.
  • Property Distribution: Most couples who get divorced will enter the equitable distribution process, wherein the court will decide what property belongs to each spouse.

Unfortunately, with such critical issues at play, it is not uncommon for an uncontested divorce to turn into a contested one, as issues such as child custody are often very difficult to agree upon once it comes down to it. For this reason, it is always best to have an experienced Rockland County family law attorney on your side who can quickly change the strategy and begin focusing on your best interests going forward. Our firm can help ensure that your divorce moves along as smoothly as possible, from start to finish.

Contact an Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Whether you are in a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce, having a competent legal team on your side can make a world of a difference. Contact the Law Office of Peter L. Jameson, PLLC today to schedule your initial consultation with our firm.

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