For any good parent, the most important thing is the safety of their child. Unfortunately, sharing custody of a child can make it difficult for each parent to be sure the other parent is adequately caring for their child. Though marijuana use is legal in New York, if your ex uses marijuana and you believe it makes your child unsafe, you may wonder whether you can get custody of your child or modify your existing custody schedule. Please read on and reach out to a dedicated Rockland County child custody attorney from Jameson Family Law to learn more about how marijuana use can impact child custody and how our legal team can best preserve the safety and well-being of your child. Here are some of the questions you may have:
Will marijuana use impact a child custody agreement in New York?
Chances are, marijuana use alone will not impact your child custody agreement, especially since the drug is now legal for recreational possession and use in New York State. That said, there are certain instances that may influence a custody agreement. For example, if you can prove that marijuana use has caused your ex to become unsafe to your child in some way, such as them driving with your child in the car while under the influence of marijuana, it may impact your custody agreement or constitute a modification to your custody agreement.
Do I need to hire an attorney?
To get a modification to your custody agreement, you and your attorney will have to gather and present evidence that proves your ex poses a danger to your child. From there, you will have to go through the court process of getting a modification to your custody agreement. This isn’t always easy, and you can bet that your ex will also hire a lawyer to fight to keep the existing agreement in place. For this reason, it’s paramount that you retain the services of a competent Rockland County family law attorney who knows the ins and outs of the law and the legal process. Our firm has fought on behalf of countless parents simply looking to keep their children safe over the years, and we are prepared to fight for you as well. Give us a call today so you can tell us your story and so we can get working on your case.
Contact Our Rockland County Family Law Firm
If you are faced with a family law matter in Rockland County, contact The Law Office of Peter L. Jameson, PLLC today to schedule a consultation.