As a result of the world’s current health situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), people’s lives throughout the state of New York have changed in unprecedented ways. These changes have led people to self isolate within their homes and stay away from others. It has also, unfortunately, led people to hospitalization in some cases. It is because of this that it is crucial to have a plan in place for your family if a member were to become sick with the virus. For example, are you prepared if you fall ill to the Coronavirus and your former spouse is unable to care for your children? If you do not have a plan, there are steps you can take to make one and ensure your children would be cared for during this time.
The first thing to know is that a plan should be made before an illness can occur. With this, you can be sure that you are prepared ahead of time and not be behind the curve. When creating a plan, it is important to establish a power of attorney. This can be done to name a legal guardian who can care for your child if you are feeling sick and their other parent cannot provide assistance with child care. These situations can call for a Limited Power of Attorney, as it allows another person to have certain rights for a designated amount of time. This can include appointing a legal guardian during the outbreak of COVID-19. Without a family plan, a relative can go to the court to be appointed as kinship legal guardian if both parents are unable to care for their children.
Contact our Firm
The Law Office of Peter L. Jameson, PLLC understands the harsh implications of relocation can have on a child and his or her parents. When you have a contested relocation matter, it is important to have an experienced attorney to represent you in court. If you are faced with a relocation matter in Rockland County, contact The Law Office of Peter L. Jameson, PLLC today to schedule a consultation.